I'm Joeverkill, and this is Notes from the Right-Wing.
Anyone who's read this blog more than once knows how much I absolutely hate the local government of Los Angeles. Well, they just keep doing stupid crap and giving me fodder for my hatred.
On Wednesday the City Council approved something called "inclusionary zoning" regulations. From the L.A. Times:
New condominium and apartment projects in neighborhoods such as Brentwood, Studio City and other affluent parts of Los Angeles could be required to include units for very poor people under a plan approved by the City Council on Wednesday.
There is no better name for this type of crap than nanny state quasi-communism. That's what this is. Imagine you're a doctor or a lawyer or designer of integrated circuits or something, and you got a good education, worked hard, got a good job, and saved your money so you could live in, oh, let's say, Brentwood. You're pretty satisfied there, relatively insulated from the third-world cesspool that the rest of L.A. has become.
And then the City Council passes this thing, and next thing you know you're living next to poor people. Not just poor people: very poor people. The value of your home drops, crime increase, and your kids can't go to sleep at night because the neighbors play reggaeton at 110 decibels into the wee hours.
What would you do? Probably move outside of the bounds of the city. So you do, and your neighbors do, and their neighbors do, and pretty soon property values in Brentwood are the same as they are in Crenshaw, and the whole neighborhood is filled with poor people.
The City's digging its own grave here.
I currently live in a garbage neighborhood. I absolutely hate 90% of my neighbors. One day, god willing, I will move to an area with fewer poor people, at which time I hopefully will not have to deal with gang members, feral dogs, loud reggaeton at inappropriate hours, and old women who threaten to slash my tires if I park in a public parking space in front of their homes.
But the housing plan is not the only communist nanny-state issue that L.A. passed this week. There's also a more minor, but nonetheless irksome, ordinance on day laborers. From the L.A. Times:
The Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved an ordinance Wednesday requiring certain home improvement stores to develop plans for dealing with day laborers who congregate nearby in search of jobs.
The ordinance mandates that proposed big-box stores obtain conditional-use permits, which could then require them to build day-labor centers with shelter, drinking water, bathrooms and trash cans.
I'm sorry, but isn't loitering a crime? Also, don't these day laborers get paid under the table? Don't most of them avoid paying taxes on their earnings? The City is encouraging people to violate the law and duck taxes.
Beyond that, is this really the type of society we want to build for ourselves? A society where governments not only allow under-the-table, unregulated, undocumented labor, but publicly condone and foster it? Why even have minimum wage laws at all? Why have laws regarding workplace conditions?
By encouraging the use of day laborers, you're discouraging people from hiring labor via proper channels. This is harmful to businesses that actually obey labor laws. It also brings down the average real wage and harms the economy in general.
Man, I hate the City Council.
I'm Joeverkill, and this has been Notes from the Right-Wing.