Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Very Last Notes from the Right-Wing

I'm Joeverkill, and I quit.

I have better things to do with my time than argue on the internet with a mental patient with poor grammar who can't do simple division.

Analyst, Minotauromachy, Rupert Murder: we've had some good back-and-forth on some important issues. For that I thank you guys. I also thank anyone who's read this blog.

It's been real, guys.

Random Retard, it brings me great pleasure to know that you will die, starving, unsatisfied, and alone.

8 responses:

Random Retard said...
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Random Retard said...

I'm happy enough. Have fun in your small-minded world.

Random Retard said...


I just noticed: "Right-wing" is a compound adjective-- "right wing" is the noun phrase you're looking for.

I'm Random Retard, and this has been notes from the smug and uncaring.

the analyst said...

anyone who uses an ad hominem attack has a tiny dick.

peace joe.

Random Retard said...
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Random Retard said...

Good riddance to bad rubbish. His argument had more holes in it than Swiss cheese, but lulz i miks up werds an simbols. If he can't explain the discrepancies in his personal value system, let alone defend them, attacks on mine won't make it better.

Oh lulz we can't make our country nice because we've got illegal immigrants! Other countries are nicer and have the same problem. Strange that he's so obsessed with details that he missed when I overlooked the errors in his own:

Education in the UK is NOT free.
Standard of living in the US is NOT higher than anywhere else. (What the fuck do you base THAT on?)
Average income tax is LOWER in the UK than in the USA.
Rice and eggs do NOT constitute good nutrition.

He posted evidence that America is great by showing his success, which is exactly the same as showing how shit America is by showcasing my hardship. Then he completely ignored me asking him to explain a fact HE introduced-- the US's low post-secondary education rate.

I was considering finding a way to pay back my loans, but he reminded me of why I hate the US so much and galvanised me to fuck it all.

I'm glad he thinks I'm mental: I'd rather that than someone of such demented short-sightedness thinking I'm sane.

While he's stuck in traffic in L.A., I'll be teaching English in a seaside paradise somewhere. Thanks, buddy.

the analyst said...

the jews are responsible for all the world's wars

minotauromachy said...

I havent said nothing yet because I have been shocked and stupified by both this arguement and my own compacency.I dont think you guys should be throwing this hissy, ideological, fit at this moment in history.

Get riled up and argue your point, defend your end and the beginning of your political befief, let the fight go on, but dont quit.

Don't let personailty get in the way of your discource. Do not, for christ's sake fight. fighting and getting angry over internet words is an excuse for true words or opinions.

There is an election going on. Joeoverkill. You are my brother in disagreement, my oppponent in ideology but fellow believer in truth, whatever ideological spectrum it might belong to. Don't quit over a post. That is beneath you. We have fought over sentences , not pride. Keep the sentences flowing. Do not let this personal breach get in the way of your objective reporting of this strange, depressing but enlightening new age, this unravelling of times and systems, this fundamental shift; if only because "America" means a smear of lipstick on an ephemeral something, that not you or me could define, alone, but maybe we can together,if only because we completely disagree on every point. I say fuck the rest. This site is just a vibrating board for our musical thoughts. Fuck if we even have to join, let us not make formalities of leaving.