Just because nobody is talking about this farm bill shiznit doesn't mean it doesn't still matter.
I'm horribly deficient in my knowledge on this issue, and would welcome anyone with more information to come forward and enlighten me. However, from the picture painted by this single page, it appears this mostly-ignored political happening is the worst kind of under-the-table, behind-closed-doors bullshit we've all sadly come to expect from politicians in the modern era.
From the Boston Herald:
As with so many bills, this one is loaded with earmarks. Here are two: A tax break for owners of thoroughbred horses, and a special program for “geographically disadvantaged farmers” in Alaska and Hawaii. (Hmmm . . . Are we going to subsidize carrots and pineapples through the back door?)
In Congress, one hand washes the other. There’s a $10 billion increase in food stamp authorizations and big increases for conservation programs (which account for most of the $298 billion authorized). That gets the urban members and much of the environmental lobby on board.
Wouldn't it be nice if we had some kind of hope that things could in fact be better someday in the near future? Maybe that hope could come in the form of a candidate running on a platform of change who spoke to the American people as though they weren't mostly retarded.That could be cool. I'm just saying.
2 responses:
See my "Notes from th Right Wing" post below, if you missed it.
But good call. Farm subsidies are counterproductive right now.
sad but true: farm subsides aren't sexy news.
good luck selling that on mainstream media outlet. question number 1 from most viewers would likely be "what's a subsidy?"
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