Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sexy Politics?

I want your thoughts on this.

Sexy Politics.

Mission Statement:

We are here to inform. Our access to politics has really changed. We're forced to adapt to the times. And the present times are interactive. Innovative. We are making use of what is not only an innovation revolution, but an engagement revolution.

It’s why we built a platform that offers a new approach to connecting people with politics. It’s why we hope it incentivizes education and political awareness.

Being informed could lead to a great lifestyle. There are problems to be addressed, and we believe informed people will handle those problems best. If what we're doing gets someone who would not normally care about politics to spend a minute learning about it, then we think that's real sexy.

I did some snooping around, and my final verdict stands thusly: I think this place could use a whole lot more actual content. I'm not saying I'd write for them, but I'm saying that if they had Obama Girl hit me up, I might think about it.

1 responses:

the analyst said...

hahaha so
i just went to the site and took this live flash "strip quiz" featuring the sexy person of your choice. i accidentally chose the redhead because i didn't quite understand the implications of what i was doing when i went through with it.

remember the scene in billy madison where veronica vaughn would quiz him and remove an item of clothing every time he got something right?

10 questions. said redhead took off a piece of clothing every time i got one right. at 9 questions right, she was down to her bra and panties. alas, i fucked up the last question. it was hard.

it's kinda low-brow and marketing-ish, but god dammit it might do a good job. it's positive reinforcement for those of us that are informed, and may motivate a neanderthal or two to pay attention to the news.