Monday, June 2, 2008

the enhanced interrogation cruise line

the bush junta's apparent response to complaints about having torture prisons in other countries has been to put them where countries aren't:

According to research carried out by Reprieve, the US may have used as many as 17 ships as "floating prisons" since 2001. Detainees are interrogated aboard the vessels and then rendered to other, often undisclosed, locations, it is claimed.


"By its own admission, the US government is currently detaining at least 26,000 people without trial in secret prisons, and information suggests up to 80,000 have been 'through the system' since 2001. The US government must show a commitment to rights and basic humanity by immediately revealing who these people are, where they are, and what has been done to them."

eighty fucking thousand?

the official story from emperor fratboy's crew, and the narrative accepted by the media, has always seemed to imply that this extraordinary rendition is extremely limited. high profile cases appear because these people are allegedly all serious threats to america. if this were an isolated incident, and we were keeping osama bin laden aboard that ship, i might be able to look the other way about allegations of fudging international laws in this manner. so might the rest of the world...bin laden's kind of a dick.

sending almost three times the population of liechtenstein is not the same. for every one guy that's truly pissed off and plotting against america (who doesn't merit/deserve this treatment anyway), there's probably another 10 or 20 who are petty criminals, who said the wrong thing at the wrong time, or went shopping with rachael ray at the burqa barn.

3 responses:

joeverkill said...

I'd probably be more appalled if I could be bothered to care about the overcommercialized buttparade of steroid clowns known as the Summer Olympics.

That said, go USA.

minotauromachy said...

That Michelle Mankin chick who criticised the keffiyeh is totally nuts man, she wrote a book defending the japanese american internment camps a couple of years ago. I personally would love to wear a keffiyeh. Last year my plan for a halloween costume was to dress up as Yasser Arafat. I still hope to pull it of sometime. They have equally stupid restrictions on western clothing like jeans imposed by radical Hindu groups in India that go around harassing and in one instance killing a woman who defied their decree.

minotauromachy said...
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