Thursday, June 5, 2008

ok, now where's our damn jetpacks?

sci/tech geeks, ready your massive erections. the tech world coming to solve all of our problems:

item the first - an inflatable electric car that can drive 2500 miles on a single charge. let's hope this is legit. apparently it's under $10k, is shipped to you for you to assemble, ikea-style, and is made out of airbags. yes, airbags. major drunk-driving fuckups could be a thing of the past, as this thing can apparently drive off a cliff unharmed, or float instead of sink in floods.

item the second - scientists have figured out how to make shit levitate. seriously. small stuff, yeah, but it's fucking LEVITATING. "Their discovery could ultimately lead to frictionless micro-machines with moving parts that levitate. But they say that, in principle at least, the same effect could be used to levitate bigger objects too, even a person."

the power of these two technological advances combined could seriously rework our transportation infrastructure in a matter of a couple decades.

more importantly, bumper cars in the future are going to be sweet.

2 responses:

minotauromachy said...

I predict that Ralph Nader has a field day in the future criticizing these floating deathtraps that roll over from a stiff breeze.

Random Retard said...

Finally, road rage will be FUN