I was watching The News Hour last night and a detail in this report about the Pentagon's failure to get MRAPs and other supplies to our troops jumped out at me:
[Reporter]PAUL SOLMAN: Not enough tourniquets, the Baltimore Sun reported in 2005, quoting one infantry surgeon, "There is no good reason why wounded soldiers are continuing to die on the battlefield from extremity bleeding." No haemostatic bandages that chemically cauterize wounds in an instant.Bad? It gets worse. The report cuts to another vet who has something to add:
[Iraq War Veteran] BILL FERGUSON: I've never seen a haemostatic bandage, not once ever. We just had the old ones. As a matter of fact, if you were, if what -- this is going to sound -- you use tampons, women's tampons. If you get shot or whatever, you stick it inside the hole, and it'll swell and like make it stop bleeding, supposedly.
[Iraq War Veteran] PATRICK CAMPBELL: And where do you get the tampons? You get them sent from your friends and family back home.Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! The military isn't suppying our troops with tampons? They realize some of the troops are women now, right? What the fuck makes it so hard to get such basic supplies to them? Oh, wait, I'll bet I know what it is:

1 responses:
yet again, an excellent post.
You are a true benefit to this blog, Mr. Zirconia. I hope you continue to post well into the future.
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