Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Notes from the Right-Wing: The Housing Bull... Wait, I Mean Bill... No, no, I Ras Right... Housing Bull

I'm Joeverkill, and this is Notes from the Right-Wing.

Shortsightedness and irresponsibility won another major victory today as President Bush signed a bill to bail out homeowners and mortgage lenders. From the AP:

President Bush signed a housing bill Wednesday intended to rescue about 15 percent of the cash-strapped homeowners in fear of foreclosure in the next year or so...
The measure includes $300 billion in new loan authority for the government to back cheaper mortgages for troubled homeowners; $3.9 billion for communities to fix up foreclosed properties causing blight in neighborhoods; and $15 billion in tax cuts, including an expanded low-income housing tax credit and a credit of up to $7,500, to be repaid, for some first-time home buyers.


Are you f--king kidding me?

Just to clear up the "vague" wording of the AP article, "$300 billion in new loan authority for the government to back cheaper mortgages for troubled homeowners" means "$300 billion in free money for people who took out loans they can't afford to pay." Yes, that's what it means.

Are you f--king kidding me?

Again, just to be clear, when the AP article say "an expanded low-income housing tax credit and a credit of up to $7,500, to be repaid, for some first-time home buyers," it means "taxpayer money spent to encourage people who can't afford homes to buy them anyway." Yes, that's what it f--king means.

When are we going to just let people take responsibility for their actions? Am I insane? Am I the only one who's pissed off here? Guess why I haven't bought a house yet: because I've done the math and I know I can't afford to buy one. It doesn't take a genius to crunch those numbers. But there are enough f--king idiots out there that didn't do that math that it's causing a significant problem for our economy, so the spendy-go-lucky federal government digs even deeper into our pockets (and the pockets of our grandchildren) to bail 'em out.

I can't say I'm surprised. There's a phrase that use to be common in America -- "Tough sh-t. You f--cked up." You don't hear that anymore, especially not from our liberal vote-pandering congress. Buying a house is an investment, and therefore there is risk involved. There is no such thing as a guaranteed payday on any investment you make. Common sense tells you that if you can't afford to lose, you shouldn't gamble. And yet here we are.

I am so pissed off right now I can barely express myself with any sort of coherence. I want to kick every Congressman and Senator (and George W. Bush) as hard as I can in their stupid little ass vaginas. I would say I'd like to kick them in the nuts, but that would assume that any of them have a pair.

I'm Joeverkill, and this has been Notes from the Right-Wing.

2 responses:

Anonymous said...

You're not the only one.

Random Retard said...

i'd be fine with that if they do the same for my student loans
