Friday, June 27, 2008

climate change's first victim - santa claus

according to britain's the independent, there's a 50/50 chance there will be no ice at the north pole this summer. say what you will about all the other problems in the world right now, this is the scariest one of all. this kind of heating gets exponentially worse as white, light-reflective ice turns into dark, light-collecting water. we're all gonna die.

last year, it was bad enough that the mythical northwest passage, which eluded european explorers for centuries, actually opened up and became navigable.

oh, and there's one other thing:

If [the melt] happens, it raises the prospect of the Arctic nations being able to exploit the valuable oil and mineral deposits below these a bed which have until now been impossible to extract because of the thick sea ice above.

are you ready to go to war with russia? you'd better be. they want the oil down there as much as we do, and they're planting flags down there all neil armstrong-like to prove it. imperialistic, no?

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