Saturday, June 28, 2008

I can haz Internet memes?

This probably falls somewhat outside of the guidelines of this blog, but an interesting Internet project is now underway. It aims to categorize all the different memes that sprung up from were disseminated by the Internet. As you can see, it includes everything from "all your base are belong to us" to "badger badger badger" to LOLCats to Rick Rolling. And, oh yeah, it also has all the links to videos of the same.

It's a great time waster (I spent around 5 hours on it yesterday) and, best of all, you can contribute by inserting your own memes!

Posting on more serious topics will resume soon.

1 responses:

the analyst said...

that's a can of worms i don't even want to fuck with.

however, great post, and good to see you finally get on board.