Friday, April 25, 2008

The New York Injustice System.

Today the forum for the New York justice system to determine a racially driven -NYPD involved murder trial, was open yet again (see '99 shooting of Amadou Diallo). The trials circumstances were extensibly altered due to the parties involved..... the NYPD primarily; thus putting the determination of a verdict on the court justice rather than a grand jury, more-so due to a suspected public bias accumulated in the time between the incident and courtroom hearings.

The verdict delivered was that of great speculation. The three detectives, who expelled fifty .32 caliber pistol rounds towards Sean Bell and two of his companions outside of a gentlemen's club in Jamaica, Queens, were acquitted, of all accounts pending towards them.

Mayor Bloomberg commented accordingly:
"There are no winners in a trial like this. An innocent man lost is life , a bride lost her groom, two daughters lost their father, and a mother and a father lost their son." -culled directly from: NYTIMES.

And three NYPD officers preemptively profiled three African-American men at a night club -note: this night out was Bell's bachelor party.... seriously- as utter endangerment to the surrounding public even in the waking hours of the day; opened rapid fire, ended a mans life, and wounded two others' permanently, were acquitted. See there was no winner to be determined in this case what so ever; what mayor Bloomberg failed to recognize, was the fact that Justice, something the state of New York is clearly farce at determining, was needed to be instilled in order to rectify a seemingly heinous crime -despite those who committed it.

P.S. Bloomberg


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