Friday, May 9, 2008

illegal immigrants: just using the social programs we don't want

from khts am in los angeles:

According to new data from the Department of Public Social Services, nearly twenty five percent of Los Angeles County ’s welfare and food stamp benefits goes directly to the children of illegal aliens, at a cost of $36 million a month -- for a projected annual cost of $432 million.

“The total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education,” said Antonovich. “With $220 million for public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $432 million in welfare allocations, illegal immigration continues to have a devastating impact on Los Angeles County taxpayers.”

In March, illegals collected over $19 million in welfare assistance and over $16 million in food stamp allocations.

you may be that altruistic and generous. i'm not. just saying.

maybe if we actually held the people who hire them and pay them jack shit responsible for creating this drain on our already-fucked social programs, this problem could be fixed.

too bad they're white and rich, or they would have caught hell for this a long time ago.

9 responses:

joeverkill said...


How would Canada feel if 16 million unskilled, uneducated workers from the United States moved up there, absorbed social benefits, lowered median wages by creating a massively high labor supply, then sent a large portion of their pay back to the United States?

They'd be pissed.

the analyst said...

just like they're pissed everywhere.

your typical leftist college kid gets a boner for europe but doesn't realize their immigration problem is far worse then ours.

their immigrants aren't mexicans...they're muslims. white folk in europe ain't too happy about that, and are actually often far more racist about it than us.

while this is occasionally painted as an exclusively american problem or an exclusively american reaction, the fact is that it is neither.

joeverkill said...

Oh, I know. When I was in China a couple years back, I had a long conversation with a couple of Norwegians and they made it quite clear how much they hated the Muslim immigrants who were storming their country in droves and plaguing their welfare system. Their problem is also far worse because their immigrants are far more resistant to cultural integration. Look at the violence in The Netherlands over cartoons depicting Muhammad. It's absolutely infuriating. These guys essentially invade The Netherlands, leech their taxpayers, then attempt to impose their values on the indigenous citizens.

Every time I see a protest for immigrant rights here in the U.S., I see guys waving the Mexican flag. If you're going to come here and seek a better life, that's one thing. But please, embrace the country that is giving you that opportunity. If you love Mexico so much, you should have stayed there.

minotauromachy said...

Dude, what's with the whole invasion rhetoric? Every time an immigration critic uses that phrase, it makes me cringe. The whole parasite analogy too. Frankly, I find it vaguely offensive. I am no fan of the whole effort to supress those cartoons either btw. That shit is lame but I have to question your rhetoric too.

Are these Muslims illegal immigrants? Also I agree that europeans are a bunch of racist fucks, as are almost every group of people.

joeverkill said...

From Webster's Unabridged Dictionary:

invasion -- 1. The act of invading; the act of encroaching upon the rights or possessions of another; encroachment; trespass.

I think that's an apt label for illegal immigration. The aptness of the term depends upon whether you consider their entry harmful or helpful.

Illegal immigration is an issue that should not be racialized. The racial differences between United States citizens and illegal immigrants should not be a factor. In my opinion, a country's primary responsibility is to its citizens. If the U.S. wants to protect the viability of its social welfare programs, maintain a stable economy, and close the ever-growing socioeconomic gap, curtailing illegal immigration is an important step.

the analyst said...

it's not an "invasion" if you get slyly invited by the powers that be.

the analyst said...

my point was admittedly based on personal observations rather than statistics (a quick google lookup netted me no solid european immigration statistics, but i know they're out there), and was more meant to communicate the idea that illegal immigration here is snafu - situation normal, all fucked up. whether illegal or not, immigrants from former european territories of predominantly muslim religious orientation are coming to the motherland en masse, and often bringing their cultural mores with them. this is pissing whitey off, who feels that status quo is being thrown all akimbo by a very select few nuts who want to institute sharia law, or 'honor kill' some girl for wearing a skirt. the natural response for these people is xenophobic cries for 'assimilation' - see france's school anti-burqa laws for a good example.

personally, i try to avoid blaming the immigrants themselves for the problem. the only reason undocumented immigration is such a problem is because in the last 100 years or so we've learned how to sufficiently document was much easier to slip into the arizona territory circa 1908, no?

joeverkill said...

While it may be true that it's become such an issue in recent decades due to improvements in documentation methods, I think the main reason it's become an issue is because population control is beginning to become important. The world already has more people than it can sustainably support at the present rate of resource consumption. I'll post more on this at some point.

the analyst said...

fair. bring up malthus.