Thursday, June 26, 2008

So What You're Saying is, I have a Shot

If you needed further, proof, here it is. There is a God.

Lara Logan likes to fuck.

She apparently likes to fuck married dudes while she herself is married.

Though, according to wikipedia, she's going through a divorce right now.

I posted her video last week. Click here to see this woman in all her glory.

Not only is she amazing, but she's apparently down to get her nut, even in a war zone.

I might actually enlist if it means I have a shot with her.

Like seriously where do I sign up to do whatever it takes to win Lara Logan's affections? At the very least, can I figure out where to go to offer this woman some young love?

No. Seriously. I want her. Where do I sign up. Obviously she's a strong, forward-thinking woman who knows her shit on all the issues and isn't shy about getting hers. I think we'd hit it off.

Lara Logan is a goddess. That's the point of this blog.

Can I get a poster of her? Can it be this?

So hot.

1 responses:

J Rabbitte said...

The news media fails us again by not providing pictures of said event.

Lara Logan's breasts. Get on it, MSNBC. Russert would have had them a week ago.