Thursday, May 22, 2008

a cheap night at home in 2008

five gallons of gas: $20
a pack of american spirits: $6
a six-pack of fat tire: $10
a gallon of milk: $5
twelve chocolate chip cookies: $5

knowing it's only going to get more expensive? priceless.

5 responses:

Worker Bee said...

smoking is bad for you

magnoliafan001 said... is being fat

the analyst said...

so is being a dick

joeverkill said...

A cheap night at home in 2030...
5 ounces of Soylent green: 30,000 yuan.
50 watts of power, with which to watch porn on a small LCD screen: 22,000 yuan.
Getting mugged and raped by a roving gang of 11 year-old children: 500,000 yuan.
A single pound of frozen halibut from 2017, before they went extinct: priceless.

A cheap night at home in 2040...
Walking home to your cave-dwelling: free.
A opossum, killed with a blunt stick: free.
Wood to build a fire: free.
Copy of The Shape of Things to Come, pillaged from the ruins of a public library: priceless.

Worker Bee said...

ps - i was just making a (very) stupid joke, not trying to be a dick.

pps - what kind of cookies are you getting? that price seems absurdly high to me... i find it much more shocking than the others listed.