From a CNN news story detailing the West Virginia primary:
Under pressure from some to withdraw from the race, Clinton insists that West Virginia, where only 28 delegates are at stake, is a key state in the fight for the White House.
She said again Monday that no Democratic candidate since 1916 has gone on to win the White House without first winning West Virginia.
"West Virginia is making a decision that has far-reaching consequences to send a message to people what you expect from your next president," she said at a stop in Clear Fork, West Virginia.
Clinton's campaign says she would be more electable in a general election because she has done well in swing states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, as well as Florida and Michigan, which were stripped of their delegates.
West Virginia is also a key swing state. Bill Clinton won in 1992 and 1996, and George Bush carried it in 2000 and 2004.
Wow. All the sudden maybe it doesn't look like Hillary Clinton is just totally out of her mind! Can this be?
The answer is no, because if you keep reading, you'll see this:Clinton is expected to trounce Obama in West Virginia, but [West Virginia Governor Joe] Manchin said he thinks Obama would also be able to carry the state in the general election.

1 responses:
Her statisticians have also uncovered the fact that no team has ever won the Super Bowl wearing their underwear on the outside. Guess where Hillary's underwear is? NOT ON THE OUTSIDE! What do you think about that, Mr. Obama? I certainly don't see any Super Bowl rings on those fingers!
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