Friday, May 16, 2008

Where is the Media Uproar? Srsly?

It's so fucking depressing that because John McCain is white (and a veteran), his crackpot racist minister can say whatever he wants.

But because Barack Obama is black with a funny name, his crackpot racist (veteran) minister says some crazy shit, and people flip the fuck out.

I don't think that either of these ministers, for the record, should be judged by sound bites. I actually believe quite the opposite. I think each of these men, despite all the crazy shit they say that I don't agree with, should be judged by the complete works of their entire respective lives, just like everyone else.

However, I think we should give the same amount of coverage to both men, and we haven't, and I think that's racism, plain and simple.

Of course, now that McCain has to actually run a campaign, perhaps this will be shoved more to the forefront.

One can dream.

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