Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Guy who sold guns to school shooters wants concealed weapons on campus

Ok dig this. The guy who sold guns to both Sueng Hui Cho and Steven Kazmierczak - the shooters at VTU and Univ of Illinois spoke on the VTUcampus at an event sponsored by a student organisation favoring carrying concealed weapons on campus -

This guy is the classic shameless salesman. First he sold guns to the guys who shot up the university, creating an atmosphere of fear and now he wants to sell more guns to the people who were traumatised by violence. How low is that? Whatever his beliefs may be, however much he values the second ammendment, does he not have atleast a sense of decency and respect for the victims of the shootings? Why doesnt Bill O Riley protest this speech. He had his typical leaden words for Nas when he performed at the same campus, claiming that his violent lyrics and violent crime convictions made him an insensitive choice as campus entertainment. What about this guy who has blood on his hands?

How many of you readers want to go to a school where the ambitious nut next to you packs heat? Hell would you want to be in a classroom with me if I had a gun on me? I have come to class in some really messed up emotional situations - severly hung over and depressed etc. I have had words with people in class that could have escalated into serious violence if it was in a bar. The great thing about a college classroom is the freedom to speak your mind without fear of repercussions - intellectual or physical. Do you really want to discuss peaceful solutions to world problems in an IR class with a glock sticking into your crotch? Or declaim the poetry of TS Eliot while someone next to you falls asleep on his gun.

What about some of the insane professors you have had? Do you really want to be late on that assignment you owe to that creepy stutterer who stares at the girls in the front row and now packs a 9. I would rather have guns in my rap lyrics than in the hands of the guy whose points I eviscerate with my logic in philosophy class. In fact I want my rap lyrics drowned in buckets of blood so that when I step into class I can focus on reality - which does not imply gun ownership to feel safe.

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