Wednesday, May 7, 2008

hillary clinton: 'post-rational' president, perfect running mate?

i agree with mr. murder's sentiments below: it's finally fucking over.

don't believe any media hype attempting to prolong this contest. even if she keeps fighting, she's mathematically eliminated and out of money, having dropped $1.4 million out of pocket in the last week, according to reuters. hillary rodham clinton may still be outwardly campaigning to the death, but if she's as savvy of a politician as i suspect her to be, she knows she's licked. it's time to hang it up.

hillary, if you know what's good for you, it's time to consider the fact that you will not win. if you truly stand for any of the ideals of the democratic party, you will quit immediately and get out of the way of the obama express. ain't no stoppin' this train.

this brings up the inevitable question: could she be obama's running mate? can she put aside the bitter, divisive attacks and stop cannibalizing her own party?

of course she can. while clinton's behavior over the last several weeks has been best described by msnbc anchordyke rachel maddow as "post-rational", you don't get that far in politics by being that dismissive of reality (most of the time), especially when you have built a career in the senate out of allegedly being a tough-talking pragmatist.

i've been talking shit on clinton for some time now, but the plain and simple truth is that she is the best running mate for barack obama, and obama/clinton would wipe the fucking floor with mccain/unnamed-jesusfreak-patsy. beyond that, i think hillary, while an inferior choice for president, is exactly the right type of person for the job of vice-president. here's why this is a good idea:

-"unify the democrats" blahblahblah. because clinton is such a centrist (and arguably a potential republican), the middle will flock to obama/clinton in droves.
-hillary is a poor diplomat, but a very shrewd master of policy, but a notorious policy wonk. as president of the senate, she stands in a very good position to understand and promote the obama administration's policies within the senate.
-clinton is a politician's politician: this is clearly manifested in what can only be dubbed her insider-ism: she's lying, half-truthing and pandering to her constituents like most politicians, and sees that part of the job as only a small portion of lawmaking. most of it is done behind closed doors, whether we like it or not, and she'll be willing to roll up her sleeves in that area and handle a lot of obama's dirt while keeping him squeaky clean (yes, sometimes i dabble in realpolitik).
-a black dude and a woman running the show is an amazing symbol of social progress, especially since they're taking their respective offices away from pinky and the brain.
-speaking of bush and cheney, clinton's a fucking attack dog. she will hunt down and prosecute these two - along with the people who aided them - to the full extent of the law for their crimes against america and humanity.

however, i have huge concerns with her anywhere near the white house:
-back to her post rational campaign...can we trust her to accurately and seriously address tough issues that some people simply don't want to acknowledge (our complicity in climate change, the possible end of the automobile-facilitated suburb, etc.)?
-can we trust her to work in the interests of the american people rather than the companies that fund her?
-most importantly: can we trust her to rescind the vice presidential powers asserted by cheney, or will she just be another disingenuous criminal of a politician?


-tinfoil hat moment: can we trust her to not orchestrate president obama's assassination?

UPDATE: but admit it - she's kind of a crazy bitch.

2 responses:

D said...

I disagree. I've done some thinking, and while I believe that choosing Hillz for his running mate would be the quickest, simplest and easiest decision to make right now, I don't believe it's good in the long run.

First of all, it kills Obama's "Change" campaign if he picks someone so ingrained in the machine as H.Clint. Secondly, it's a demotion for Clinton, which makes very little sense. And third, I'm not sure she makes his ticket stronger.

While right now we think Obama is weak with those rust-belt "Reagan democrats" as they are called, that's only the narrative just now. That narrative will change many times before the election.

I also believe that choosing Hillary would be painted as a sign of weakness on Barack's part by the Republicans. I think overall, it could be a potentially massive setback to his campaign that he might not actually be able to overcome.

I dunno who he's gonna go with, but I just don't think Hillz is the Veep for Ol' Hopey.

the analyst said...

maybe we'll all get lucky and she'll just drop out of the democratic party.
or politics altogether.

if the narrative changes, it changes, but i believe there actually is a significant subset of people who might throw their support on board if we get miss white-party-establishment on board the o-train.