Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Real Betrayers? Well It Depends on the Holiday

Does anyone else remember that fateful day when a man thought to be a strong backer of the Clinton campaign for president severed the ties and instead endorsed the other guy…you know, Barack Obama? James Carville apparently does and he once again reiterated the element of betrayal imposed by Bill Richardson last night on Larry King Live to Larry and Governor Judas.. er.. Richardson himself. Only Carville clarified that he only referred to Richardson, who he accuses of betraying the great Clinton dynasty, as Judas because it coincidentally happened to be Holy Week. Carville was quoted on the program as saying, "It was an appropriate metaphor, if it been the Fourth of July instead of Good Friday, I would have called him Benedict Arnold.”

In case anyone missed the memo, as far as name calling goes we are now referencing the bad guy of the nearest holiday. So tomorrow is Arbor Day, for everyone who didn’t know that, I would imagine that would have been about 99.9 percent of you. Arbor Day is a day in which people are encouraged to plant and care for trees. And who is the greatest betrayer of trees? Well I would imagine the folks who cut them down, but since that isn’t nearly as threatening sounding as Judas, we’ll say that according to Carville, the governor might be best referred to as a Wooly Adelgid. I’m not making that up. It is an insect that cozies up to your unsuspecting towering old tree then slowly sucks the life out of it day by day, eventually leaving it to be just a pile of needles and leaves.

There are few lessons to be learned from this, Governor Richardson is apparently wrong for endorsing somebody that he believes in, you should never underestimate the power of a tiny little Wooly Adelgid, James Carville is about as crazy as he looks (which quite frankly is saying a lot) and that pile of needles and leaves that needs to be brushed aside in a couple weeks might just be in the form of Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.

1 responses:

the analyst said...

i dig the first post...keep it up!