Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dude. Treeman.

This friggin guy is half-man/half-tree.

He's motherfucking Treeman. No bullshit.

Somebody check the bible to see if Treeman is one of the signs of the coming apocalypse and somebody else check Wikipedia and see if Treeman is some kind of comic book supervillain.

Get back to me with the results of your findings.

Also, I would just like to state that I would give my middle nut to see this dude fight the Swamp Thing in a boggy marsh.

We'll call it Rumble in the Jungle 2: The Freak of Nature vs. the Fictional Character.

And we'll get Chris Tucker to promote it. And then we will swim in money like Scrooge McDuck.

1 responses:

Unknown said...

THAT is a manifestation of HPV?

I'm never having sex again.

That's a lie.