Thursday, June 19, 2008

3 reasons why Obama probably isn't the Antichrist

Hello, everybody. Let me introduce myself. I’m Blood Zirconia and I went to college with Rupert and Debbie. The other day I was talking to my dad and he told me about a new Obama smear email that one of his coworkers received. It was so hilariously asinine that I had to write something about it, and Rupert was kind enough to send me an invite.
Basically, the gist of the email was "Did you know that the book of Revelations says that the Antichrist will be a Muslim in his 40s?" Seriously.

In response, I present for your enjoyment the "How Sensitive Is Your Horseshit Detector?" Quiz:

Question 1: Is Barack Obama a Muslim or a Christian?
A) He’s a Muslim.
B) He’s a Christian and his Christian reverend has been on television constantly for the past several months so all I would have to do to know he’s a Christian is turn on the news once a month or so.

Question 2: Did Islam exist when the book of Revelations was written?
A) What’s an Islam? I thought we were talking about Muslims.
B) Christianity predates Islam by hundreds of years so the author or authors of Revelations would have no idea what a Muslim was or that they would ever exist.

Question 3: Why would a person’s status as the Antichrist be conditional upon his age? Would he suddenly become the Antichrist at the stroke of midnight on his 40th birthday? Would he cease to be the Antichrist when he turned 50?
A) You’re right, that makes no fucking sense.

Now go to the bottom of the post and turn your computer upside-down to check your answers. If you got one to three correct answers, congratulations, you have stronger critical thinking skills than the average border collie. If you scored zero correct answers, well, you deserve every joke Dick Cheney cracks about your home state.

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